Portrait read and write

While reading “How to use composition to create more powerful portraits” by Oded Weinstein, I learned a lot about composition. One thing that I learned, was that art has no “rules” or “must dos” because you can do anything you like as long as it works. I learned that a good portrait is an image of a person that manages to tell a story. I also learned that a good portrait evokes emotion. A good portrait tells us something about the person in the image. Next, I learned composition is a key element that helps us create a story telling portrait. Another thing that I have learned while reading, was that in order to create composition, you have to compare what you see, versus what you imagine in your head. Things to note when creating a portrait, you have to choose how much background to include in your photo. You also have to take note of cropping, making the story the only thing you imagine. Although cropping and choosing how much background you have is important, you still have to manage how much space you leave. You can’t just have a person, you need that story that speaks for itself. After all of that is done, you put it together and look at your “story”, instead of looking at your “photo”.

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